Thursday, 27 October 2011

My Journey So Far...

Its been more than 7 months for you getting my posts here.  Till now I was writing many things about social reforms, political reforms, duty of citizens and all such stuffs. Simultaneously I was reading many blogs with similar types of concerns and feelings were shared. Along with that we the bloggers were criticized by people that we are just mere playing words sitting in an A/c Room over the internet as it is safer to do but not getting into the real life action part. These made me to review on myself and my expression of thoughts through these media. I feel expressing our thoughts and hoping to bring some changes in the people who read them is also an action, because not everyone can do that but almost everyone gets effected. News Papers, Books, Periodicals were effecting mankind and were bringing turning point in many people's life and now its format is improvised to Articles, Blogs, Tweets, Forums etc. 

However I am not writing this to prove myself that I am doing great job and that's all I can do for the society. Over past one year the real action part of my life has begun. The life of being close and  relevant to society and serving the people from the best strength of my mind and body. In short "having life in each breath"! And its the journey not the destination.

From my childhood I have been seeing that we always cursed the system for every wrong thing happened, but we fail to realize we are the part of system. We curse the hectic traffics, traffic jams but fail to understand that we are also the part of traffic. Hence I felt the system is formed by the people and not otherwise. But how the people are forming? It took me into surprise where from the innocent and ignorant child we become men and women running the all culprit system. This transformation of these ages happens through the education system, society, family. And this makes us to get "adjust" to the corrupt system but not reform the same. I felt among these effecting factors Education plays the major role and is external.So why cant we bring changes in education system in forming "living citizens" of our nation?

Now on the real action part of the above said and trying to start to be relevant to the society, Edishta Resource Center, Parinathi Education have formed in providing the value based education relevant to needs of mankind. But my strength and wisdom should also have to be playing role to the better society ahead, so Parinathi Consutling came into existence in serving the managerial business needs of small scale industries around my place. Even though I was not scribing my blogs here I am writing blogs on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) at here to share my knowledge and experience for the people who need them. We are also expressing and sharing our knowledge and experience in Knowledge Center together forming Parinathi Group. However for ranting using short notes I do have twitter account pangalanrao!

That's short note of my journey so far. And once again its just beginning of journey still long way to go with achieving milestones but journey never ends.  I know it looks like I am kind of show casing myself but I felt these can bring a spark of motivation or at-least hope of having better Bharath in you.

Till now this blog was just means of sharing my thoughts but from now onwards it will also be blended with experiences of me and people with me who are bond to bring the positive changes in the society. Together lets continue the journey of building strong self sustaining Bharath...
 Vande Mataram

Friday, 8 April 2011

एक कल्पना कीजिए .....

From a Forwarded E Mail :-

जिसने जन्म लिया है उसे एक दिन अवश्य मरना भी है, आपको भी 3 दिन बाद मरना है. 3 दिन बाद आपको फांसी दे दी जायेगी. आपकी मौत निश्चित है....

अब आप उस मौत के दर्द को महसूस कीजिये ..... आपका परिवार और सब कुछ छूट जायेगा .....

क्या आप अपने गले मे फांसी का फन्दा सोच कर कांप गये ????

अब सोचो भगत सिंह जैसे अनगिनत शहीदों को जो हंसते हंसते देश के लिये फांसी पर चढ़ गये थे .....

महसूस करो उनके दर्द को, और देखो आज के भ्रष्टाचार से भरे भारत को , क्या ऐसा भारत बनाने के लिये उन्होने अपनी जान की कुर्बानी दी थी ....

अब मरने की कल्पना से बाहर आइये और सोचिये ......

जब वो लोग देश के लिये मर सकते है तो क्या आप देश के लिये जी भी नहीं सकते ?????????

देश के लिये जिएँ और अच्छा भारत बनाएँ, अपने आप से शुरुआत करें. आप बदलेंगे तभी देश बदलेगा .

भगवान आपको लम्बी उम्र दे .........

अब एक और कल्पना कीजिये ...............

आप लम्बी उम्र जिएँ, लेकिन ना आप बदलें, ना देश बदले, 20-25 साल बाद आपके बच्चे, पोते, नाती सब एक ऐसे देश मे जी रहे हों जिसकी हालत सोमालिया आदि देशो से भी बदतर है, बेहिसाब आबादी है , हर तरफ मारकाट मची है, कोई कानून नहीं है, जंगलराज की सी हालत है , सभी जातियाँ कबीलों की तरह लड़ रही है . भूख से बेहाल गरीब अमीरों को लूट रहें हैं, अमीर उनपर गोलियां चला रहे हैं , एक पल का भी भरोसा नहीं है कब कौन आपके बच्चों को अनाथ कर दे या बच्चो का अपहरण कर ले.

क्या आप अपने बच्चों को ऐसा भारत देना चाहते हो ? आप अपने बच्चों को हर चीज देते है , अच्छी शिक्षा , अच्छे कपड़े, अच्छे गेजेट्स ....

फिर क्या आप उन्हे अच्छा भारत नहीं देंगे ??????

एक लाख अस्सी हजार करोड़ (18,00,00,00,00,000) का 2G स्पेक्ट्रम घोटाला, सत्तर हजार करोड का CWG घोटाला जैसे अनेक घोटालों ने देश को हिला कर रख दिया है. और आप चुपचाप है, आप कर भी क्या सकते है ?

आप सबकुछ कर सकते है , आप ही ने उन नेताओ को वोट देकर नेता बनाया था............

आप क्या क्या कर सकते हैं ?

1. देश मे भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ सख्त कानून (जन लोकपाल) बनाने के लिये "भारत बनाम भ्रष्टाचार

" के बेनर तले देश में एक अन्दोलन चल रहा है जिसका नेतृत्व गणमान्य लोग जैसे स्वामी रामदेव, श्री रवि शंकर, अन्ना हजारे, महमूद मदानी, दिल्ली के आर्कबिषप, किरण बेदी, अरविन्द केजरीवाल, स्वामी अग्निवेश, न्यायमूर्ति लिंगदोह, मल्लिका साराभाइ आदि अनेक लोग कर रहे हैं (अधिक जानकारी के लिये साइट देखें


2. लोकतंत्र मे आप सबसे ताकतवर हैं क्योंकि आप से वोट से सरकार बनती है, सोचसमझ कर वोट दें , सिर्फ जाति और धर्म के आधार पर वोट ना दें . भारत के सभी सभ्य और ईमानदार लोग भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ एकजुट होकर एक वोट बैंक बना रहे हैं आप उसमें अपने आप को रजिस्टर करें (


3. अगर आप फेसबुक का उपयोग करते हैं तो जुड़ जाएं

से ( इस लिंक पे क्लिक करे और फिर like पर क्लिक करे )

4. शक्ति संघे कलयुगे ( कलयुग में संगठन ही सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है ) , आज देश के सभी भ्रष्ट लोग (20% ) संगठित हैं , जबकि हम सभी ईमानदार ( 80%) लोग बिखरे पड़े हैं , जिस से भ्रष्ट लोग हावी हैं , और हम लोगो को संगठित नहीं होने देते, हमे धर्म, जाति, क्षेत्र आदि के नाम पे लड़वाते हैं जिस से हम एक ना हो. तथा देश की अधिकतर आबादी अनपढ़ बनी रहे. शोषित होने के लिये बाध्य रहे. आप संगठित बनो, अपने दोस्तो को , पड़ोसियों को इस अन्दोलन के बारे में बताएं (फूट डालो और राज करो की कुनीति पहले अंग्रेज अपनाते थे अब ये नेता अपना रहे हैं )

Last but not theLeast

5. अपने सभी दोस्तों को ये ई-मेल फॉरवर्ड करो (Forward this Email to all your friends. (सभी को नहीं तो कम से कम 5 दोस्तो को अवश्य करें, आपको भारत माँ की कसम). आजादी की जंग में जब लोग फांसी पे हँसते हँसते चढ़ सकते हैं तो क्या आप अपने दोस्तों को एक ई-मेल भी फॉरवर्ड नहीं कर सकते?????

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Wikileaks Playing Ugly Holi on India

Today is holi, the Festival of colour. But colour our nation has got now in-front of the world is so ugly that joy of holi cannot make the shame of ugliness forget. Wikileaks yet again exposed one more ugly face of our nation.Here But we are busy with world cup, and as always the “why bother” mindset of people have made the central UPA Govt. to feel relax. If there is any gunnies record for scam and corruption amount then our nation will be shamelessly in first place. Approximately the total amount of scams exposed is nearly equal to Indian Budget. Still we are sitting in an A/c Room with luxury and have limited our social responsibility only for paying taxes and filling income tax returns.

It is not the central UPA Govt. alone of which scams are being exposed, in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and other states also for every month different kind of scams are exposed. In the time of British rule for every law that were tried to impose on Indians to snatch the independence there were public protest in many ways by different kind of freedom warriors. Sadly in Independent India, we the INDIANS are so much self centred and cowards that we are not even saying NO to the things which we knew that they are not right. We have got better education, technology than of those times. We are not having cruel and unjustly laws to curb our rights to fight for right cause. We are not ruled by ruthless British but are ruled by our own ELECTED people. Still we cannot come out of comfort zone of us to demand for good and clean governance from the people whom we have voted. Even though we can say we are very much advanced in terms of technology and ease of life compared to those living 65 years back in terms of human values and dignity and courage we are lambs in front of those people.

Corruption is everywhere. Even in private sector corruption has got the name of Processing Fees and is spreading to all parts. We see cases filed against Ministers, MLAs, MPs are all because of political reasons without having any intension to punish the corrupted. Whoever is in Power can influence any Govt. office to file a case, raid on anybody’s house, issue an arrest warrant, issue court notice. The two major political parties Congress and BJP are just engaged in condemning each other without even worrying about national disaster that has caused due to various scams that are coming out. The fourth element of constitution the Media which are there for making public voices to reach the people in power and force them to do the right things have become slaves of political parties. They are forcing the people to accept their own created slavery opinions, news. Otherwise some of the media houses are busy in going behind the asses of Celebrities and Cricket Stars.

It may seem like now nothing can done to make system clean from corruption. Does it so? Shall we give up and live like lambs? If our previous generation were able remove mighty British rule from our nation, we who are in superior conditions compare to them, can’t we clean our own system? Otherwise, don’t we feel ashamed for not keeping the dream of Freedom Warriors’ “The Strong Self Reliable Sunhera Bharat”?
But again “why bother” mindset prevails. As long as we get salary at month end, Team India keeps playing Cricket we are not worried of whatever happens to dignity of our nation. Sadly Indian team losing a cricket match in world cup league is considered as disgrace than Wikileaks exposing our nation as the corrupted nation in world.

We should understand that it is not the time for relaxation. We have got freedom from British but the problems which are in society deep routed have to be removed. Poverty, Corruption, Unemployment, Communalism etc are biggest hurdle for our growth in world. We don’t have clean and transparent system in any of Govt. organisations. Unless we have strong system in place we can’t assume that our life will not be affected by the corrupt things that are going around us in our nation.

“Truth Always Triumphs” We have to make this real and we don’t have other choice to remain governed by third class corrupt politicians and babus. Because we are not animals, we are human beings and we should have rightful living!